

(Super Premium Summer Job 2024)



Employer Name: McDonald’s

City: Bourne

States: Massachusetts



Position:  Fast Food Associate

Position Available: 2 positions (Female only)

Hourly wage: $15.00 per hour

Wage comments:

Overtime: Sometimes

Overtime details: Overtime rate $22.50 per hour



Bonus Comment:

Estimated hours per day: Average number 32 hours per week

Number of days per week: 3-5

Job prerequisites:

Participants must be willing to perform the following duties: kitchen help, customer service, cleaning, stocking, and unloading stock. Participants will be using cleaning products that contain chemicals. *Participants will be expected to speak Excellent English*


Job Description:

Participants will greet and take orders from customers, prepare food, assemble and present food orders, serve food and beverages to customers and work the cash register. As participants will be taking orders and serving customers, they must be friendly and have excellent English and customer service skills. To complete cash transactions, participants must have good math skills and be familiar with U.S. currency. Additional duties include cleaning (general cleaning in the kitchen and dining area) and cleaning restrooms (this includes cleaning toilets). Participants will be using cleaning chemicals (which may have strong odors). As this job is in a fast food restaurant, participants must be prepared to work quickly and efficiently. This is a high energy but fun job that offers participants the opportunity to interact with their Americans co-workers as well as American and visiting customers to the restaurant.

English Required skills: Excellent (A, B+, B)

Start Date: May 7th – June 20th, 2024

End Date:  August 5th – September 7th, 2024

Meals: Yes

Meals details: Participants are eligible to receive one free meal per day whether working or off. The free meal can only be obtained by means of being at the McDonald’s and ordering for yourself. 

Job Benefits: Meal discounts as outlined above, cultural events, free uniforms shirts, employee incentives.

Housing Information

Housing assisted by: Employer

Cost Amount: $160 per student per week

Transportation details: Taking the bus, Walking or riding a bicycle in Bourne.  Provided transportation in Hyannis.

Cultural exchange activities:

Cape Cod is a cape located on the eastern most portion of Massachusetts and is comprised of 15 towns. The cape is considered to consist of three sections; upper cape, mid-cape, and lower cape. It is a well traveled tourist area because of the maritime activity and over 559 miles of coastline. The cape is known for its vast and beautiful beaches. 

Boston is a little over an hour away and is the capital city in Massachusetts. There are many fun activities to do in Boston including attending sports games, concerts, enjoying local foods, meeting people and shopping.

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